
来源:公文范文 发布时间:2022-08-15 10:55:04 点击:




 1 .It is generally considered unwise to give a child __________ her or she wants.

 A. whatever

  B. no matter what

 C. whenever

 D. no matter when

 此题应选 A。

 容易误选 B。

 选项 C、 D 显然是错的, 因为句中的 wants 缺宾语, 而 C、 D两项不能作宾语。

 至于 C、 D 的区别, 可这样描述:

 no matter what 只能引导状语从句, 而不引导名词性从句。

 而 whatever 既可引导名词性从句(=anything that), 也可引导状语从句(=no matter what):

 2 . She promised _________ he had enough money she would marry him.

 A. that

 B. if

 C. that if

 D. if that


 此题应选 C, 其余几项均有可能误选。

 句子的正常词序为 She promised that she would marry him if he had enough money. 由于将条件状语从句 if he had enough money 插入动词 promised 与其宾语从句之间, 从而导致许多同学误选。

 顺便说一句, 本来动词 promise 后接宾语从句时, 引导宾语从句的 that 是可以省略的, 但是按英语习惯, 当动词与其宾语从句之间插有其他成分时, 引导宾语从句的 that 通常不宜省略, 所以此题不宜选 B。

 3 . Don’t you know, my dear friend, _________ it is you that she loves?

 A. who

 B. which

 C. that D. what 【分析】

 此题容易误选 A 或 B, 选 A 者认为这是指人的, 故用 who; 选 B 者认为这是非限制性定语从句, 两者都是误认为这是定语从句(注意没有先行词), 其实此题应选 C, 它引导的是一个宾语从句, 只是被其中的插入语 my dear friend 隔开罢了。

 其实此句也可说成 My dear friend, don’ t you know that it is you that she loves? 4 . He told me the news, believe it or not, _________ he had earned $1 000 in a single day.

 A. that B. which

 C. as

  D. because


 此题容易误选 B, 误认为这是非限制性定语从句。

 其实此题应选 A, that 引导的是一个用以修饰名词 the news 的同位语从句。

 不少同学之所以误选 B, 正是 believe it or not(信不信由你)


 5 . I think Father would like to know __________ I’ ve been up to so far, so I decide to send him aquick note. (2004 湖南卷)

 A. which

 B. why C. what

 D. how 答案:


 因为在动词 (know) 后作宾语的是宾语从句, 又因为 be up to=be busy with (忙于…、干…) 中 to 是介词, 后面一定要接宾语, 排除副词 B 和 D; which (哪一) 意义不通, 只有what (=the thing or things that) 正确。

 6 . A modern city has been set up in __________ was a wasteland ten years ago. (2004 天津卷)

 A. what

 B. which C. that

 D. where 答案:


 在介词 in 后的从句当然是宾语从句, 而宾语从句又缺少主语, 排除副词 where; that在名词性从句中是不能作任何句子成份的, 也应排除; which 意义不通, 只有 what (=the place that) 正确。

  7 . We cannot figure out __________ quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out. (2004 北京卷)

 A. that

 B. as C. why

  D. when 答案:


 在短语动词 figure out (理解、 弄明白) 后是宾语从句, as 不能引导宾语从句, 应当排除; 又由 “弄不明白、 无法理解”可知, 要用疑问词引导宾语从句, 排除 that; 而 are dying out(快要绝种)本身就含有绝种的时间了, 弄不明白的不是绝种的时间, 而是绝种的原因, 所以选 why。

 8 . Parents are taught to understand __________ important education is to their children’ s future.(2004 广东卷)

 A. that

 B. how C. such

 D. so 答案:


 首先判断这是个宾语从句, C 和 D 不能引导, 应当排除; that 引导宾语从句没有任何意思, 不作任何句子成份, 而此处要修饰作表语的形容词 important, 所以选 how。

 9 . You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is __________I disagree. (2004 全国)

 A. why

 B. where C. what

  D. how 答案:


 因为 disagree 是不及物动词, 无需宾语, 排除代词 what; 根据语境, 只有用 where (…的地方=the place in which) 引导这个表语从句, 意义才通顺。

 10 . Do you have any idea ___is actually going on in the classroom?

  (2005 辽宁)

 A. that

 B. what

 C. as

 D. which



  idea 后边经常接同位语从句。


 因为从句缺少主语, 因此用 what.其余常见的接同位语从句的名词还有:

 fact , belief, , news, idea, truth,hope, problem, information, promise, hope, message, possibility, chance 等。

 11 . ___is no possibility ___Bob can win the first prize in the match. (Shanghai 2001)

  A. there;


 B. it ; that

  C. there , whether

  D. it ;



 there is no possibility 意为"没有……的可能性"其中引导同位语从句。


 12 . There is much chance ____ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.

 A. that

  B. which

 C until

 D of 答案:

 A 要点:

 引导同位语从句的引导词常用 that , 近年尤其表示可能性的 chance 和possibility 的同位语从句, 地方题多见。

  13 . Information has been put forward ____more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.

 (Shanghai 2000)



 B. that

 C. when

 D. as 分析:

 纵观全句可知 information 与同位语从句被谓语动词隔开。

 根据句意, 应用 that 来引导。

 故本题选 B. 有时为了避免头重脚轻, 可以不紧跟在它所说明的名词后, 而被别的词语隔开, 在语法上叫做分隔式同位语从句。


 14. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _______ it was 20 years ago, _______ it was so poorly equipped.

  A. what; when B. that; which C. what; which D. which; that

 A 本题考查的是名词性从句中的表语从句, 后面表语从句不完整, it was 后面还缺少表语, 根据意思是“20 年前的 样子”, 后面一个句子是对 20 年前的补充说明, 是一个非限制性定语从句, 20 年前学校设备条件不好, when 在定语从句中作时间状语。

 15. Nobody believed his reason for being absent form the class _______ he had to meet his uncle at the airport.

  A. why B. that

 C. where D. because

 B 本题考查同位语从句, reason 后面有for 引导的短语, 接着后面是that 引导的句子来说明理由的内容.

  16. Danny left word with my secretary _______ he would call again in the afternoon.

  A. who B. that C. as D. which

  B 本题考查名词性从句中的同位语从句, 根据下文可知 Danny 留下的口信的内容, that 引导名词性从句。

 17. A warm thought suddenly came to me _______I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday.

  C 主句完整,同时从句也不缺成分。

 根据句意可看出 that 引导的从句构成与 a warm thought 的同位语。

 18. The way he did it was different ________ we were used to.

  A. in which B. in what C. from what D. from which

  C 本题考查固定短语 be different from 同时也考查名词性从句中的宾语从句, 介词 from

 后是宾语从句, 但从句中 be used to 后面少宾语, 且根据上文是我们过去习惯的方法, 这用what 符合语意。

 19. I’ d like to work with _______ is honest and easy to get on with. (2006 年山东模拟题)

  A. who B. whoever C. whomever D. no matter who

  B 本题考查名词性从句中的介词宾语从句, 根据下文意思以及在宾语从句中作主语, D 不能引导名词性从句, who 表达的意思不对.

 20 . As a new graduate , he doesn’t know _______ it takes to start a business here .

 A . how

  B . what

  C . when

 D . which 答案:

 B 。



 缺什么成分, 补什么成分。It takes (sb.) sth. to do sth. 意为:



 做某事, 由此可知本句中缺少宾语, 故用关系代词 what 引导。

 该题受汉语思维影响, 考生易选择 A 项 how。


 作为一个新毕业生, 他不知在此地创业意味着什么。

 21 . ______ some people regard as drawback is seen as a plus by many others . A : Whether

 B : What

  C : That

  D : How 答案:

 B 。


 从句中谓语动词 regard 后面缺少宾语, 应用 what 来作宾语并引导从句。



 22. We should respect food and think about the people who don’t have ______ we have here and treat food nicely .

 A : that

 B : which

 C : what

  D: whether 答案:

 C 。


 What 在此引导宾语从句, 并在从句中作 what 的宾语。句意:

 我们应该重视食物, 善待食物, 此外还要时刻记住那些没有我们现在所拥有的这些食物的人们。

 23 . Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears . No one in the office knew _____ she was so angry . A : where

 B : whether

 C : that

 D : why


 D 。


 根据句意可知用 why 引导宾语从句表示原因。

 句意:Cindy 重重地关上门, 放声大哭。


  24 . It is not immediately clear ______ the financial crisis will soon be over . A . since

 B . what C . when

 D . whether 答案:

 D 。

 本题主要考查主语从句用法, 首先排除 A 项, 因为 since 不能引导主语从句; 本句中 it 作形式主语。

 根据句意, 用 whether。


 经济危机是否会很快结束, 短时间内不会明朗。

 25 . The fact has worried many scientists ______ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years . A . what

 B . which

 C . that

  D . though 答案:


 本题考查同位语从句, 同位语从句结构完整, 故选 that。

 名词 the fact 和同位语从句是分隔开的, 增加了试题的难度。


 近年来全球气候不断变暖, 这一事实使得很多科学家感到担忧。

 26 . News came from the school office ______ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beingjing University . A . which

 B . what C . that

 D . where 答案:

 C 。

 that Wang Lin had been admitted to Beingjing University .为同位语从句, 与前面的 news 为同位关系。

 本题误选为 A 项, 其原因是考生对定语从句和同位语从句的区别概念不清。

 定语从句中, 先行词需在定语从句中充当成分, 即定语从句如果没有加入先行词是不完整的, 而由 that 引导的同位语从句, 前面的名词不能代入从句中, 从句是完整的, 不缺成分。

 27 . She is very dear to us . We have been prepared to do ______ it takes to save her life . A . whichever

  B . however

 C . whatever

 D . whoever 答案:

 C 。

 do 后的宾语从句缺宾语, 故选 whatever (= anything that ) , 引导宾语从句,又作从句中 takes 的宾语。




 28 . As his best friend , I can make accurate guesses about ______ he will do or think . A . what

  B . which C . whom

 D . that


 A 。

 介词 about 后的宾语从句中缺少宾语, 故选 what . 句意:

 作为他最好的朋友, 我能够准确地猜出他要做什么, 想什么。

 29 . ______ wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way . A . Anyone

  B . The one

 C . Whoever

 D . Who 答案:

 C 。

 设空处所缺的词用以引导主语从句, 而 A, B 两项不能用来引导主语从句;who 引导主语从句时, 表示特指, 不符合句意, 故被排除。

 Whoever 在此处引导名词性从句,相当于 anyone who .句意:


 30 . ____ was known to us all that Johnson had broken his promise _____ he would give ea...


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